Cartel de la Exposición

Architecture of Museums & Architectural Museums / Arquitectura de Museos & Museos de Arquitectura

  • RUIZ DE AEL, Mariano J.
  • CVA/EHAI. Centro Vasco de Arquitectura /Euskal Herriko Arkitektura Ikerkundea
  • Bilbao, 2012.

The present study tries to study and present in a synthetic way the main architectural contributions that the museum typology has developed over time: considerations prior to the birth of a typology, the museum, its first forms and evolution, the development of the modern museum, the international museum “boom”…

Architecture, like the rest of the arts, has been a museum phenomenon. However, we will have to wait until the 80s of the 20th century for the phenomenon of architectural archives and museums to consolidate internationally. The analysis of both concepts Museum Architecture & Architecture Museums attempts to clarify a situation that has been developing with special force in recent decades.
