
The Library of the Escorial Monastery

Monasterio de El Escorial. Biblioteca
  • 1575 - 1583
  • TIBALDI, Pellegrino
  • HERRERA, Juan de
  • El Escorial (Madrid)
  • España

CAMPBELL, James W.P. The Libarry: A World History. Thames & Hudson. 2013.

pág. 121. "An important contribution to library typologies occurred with the construction of the Escorial Monastery. In whose library the wall system was incorporated for the first time, significantly transforming the organization of books inside these spaces for the future. This performance marks the beginning of modern library culture.

The Library of the Escorial Monastery was a model for monasteries and palaces during the following centuries, and can be considered one of the most influential and important constructions in the history of European architecture… And as far as library design is concerned, his position is absolutely central… (1575-83). The ceilings decorated by Pellegrino Tibaldi... create a single space of 68 m. of length. The books are exposed, integrated into the decoration of the walls of the room. The library is conceived as a large room decorated and enlivened by books that treasures the value of having dominated library architecture ever since..."


