Fotografía de Liao Yusheng

Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Instituto Salk de Estudios Biológicos
  • 1959 - 1965
  • KAHN, Louis Isadore
  • BARRAGAN MORFIN, Luis Adaptación   1965 - 1965
    El patio es estrictamente simétrico y vacío, como si se trata de una plaza italiana de un cuadro de Giorgio de Chirico, y se llevó a cabo en colaboración con Luis Barragán, quien propuso que debía ser una plaza de piedra con un eje de agua y no un jardín con vegetación, que hubiera desviado el esencialismo de la arquitectura de Kahn. Resulta muy reveladora esta sintonía entre Louis I. Kahn y Luis Barragán, otro arquitecto que también buscó y recreó las formas intemporales.
  • La Jolla. San Diego (California)
  • Estados Unidos
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The Salk Institute for Biological Studies is arguably Kahn's most poetic and important building in the United States.

 In 1959, the American doctor of Russian origin Jonas Salk (discoverer of the pennyroyal vaccine) commissioned Louis Isadore Kahn to build a complex (the Salk Institute for Biological Studies) that would house a program made up of a series of laboratories. and homes. They were looking for a space for research and scientific dissemination, for committed people who formed a community.

 Kahn decided on a tripartite division of the commission: the laboratories, the residences and the meeting place. … After the two previous proposals were rejected, Kahn only built one of the three buildings, the laboratories, which definitively adopted a symmetrical shape.

If at first Kahn thought of the ancient models presented by monasteries, traditional university communities, or other forms of intellectual retreat. In the end he came to the conclusion that the materiality of the project had to be achieved through modern forms and instruments of construction and abstraction of space.

For Kahn, architecture became a spiritual act, the chosen site and its treatment for the construction of the project became a fundamental element to take into account. The relevance that this space acquires when designing the complex is total. The building volumes are arranged to the right and left of a central plinth perpendicular to the sea, that is, with a premeditated east-west orientation that, thanks to solar lighting, produces exceptionally photogenic situations. Furthermore, with the intention of accentuating, even more, this marked directionality, Khan has a water channel in the axis that finally flows into a small travertine fountain, located at a lower level than the plinth that frames the project, further enhancing if the value of the square fits through an aesthetic of absence.

 The building complex in its different rooms is spacious and is made up of two symmetrical and parallel volumes that contain a series of laboratories and offices. These offices, closed in their frontal view at the entrance to the square, open towards the sea. The laboratories are located in the central part of each volume, leaving the wings to house the offices and vertical communication cores. The wings that face the square, which is where the independent offices are located, are located at a higher level compared to the wing that faces the rear garden, which is where the vertical communication centers and bathrooms are located. Communication between the offices and the laboratory body is carried out through concrete walkways that, in turn, contain stairs and an elevator.




