Villa de los Papiros

Biblioteca en Villa de los Papiros / Library in the villa of the papyri

  • 79 -
  • Herculano
  • Italia

Although there are abundant written reports and archaeological remains about the libraries of antiquity in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome... none of them have reached us.

 The Villa of Papyri of Herculaneum, private library from 79 AD. of which only remains are preserved is one of them... After the fall of the empire and the consequent sacking of Rome, where the destruction of its libraries took place around 546 AD. C. Those located in Constantinople (capital of the Eastern Roman Empire today Istanbul) also disappeared, razed by Ottoman troops. "The ancient Mesopotamians and the Greeks bequeathed to posterity the concept of the library... The Romans added to this concept their architectural splendor, convinced that libraries should be important buildings... Since then the concept of the library as a distinguished place and “beautiful” was not lost”.
