
MONTANER J.M. MUXI Z., Architecture and Policy.Gustavo Gili. Barcelona, 2011. 

Págs. 27-78. “Stories”. 

"Starting in the 1960s, urban social movements began to gain relevance: the opinion of the silent majorities defined by Denise Scott Brown, the neighborhood movements, which had a fearless defender in Jane Jacobs, the beginnings of Rachel Carson's ecological thought with her founding text Silent spring (1962) and the subsequent formation of environmental groups."


She studied marine biology at Johns Hopkins University and began her career as a science writer with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. In 1951 he published "The Sea Around Us" which became a bestseller and brought him international recognition and she continued to write on environmental issues, including ecology and wildlife conservation.

But it was "Silent Spring," published in 1962, the book that brought her fame and is credited with creating the modern environmental movement. In it, Carson warns about the dangers of pesticides and other chemicals on the environment and human health.

Despite the criticism he received from some sectors of the chemical and agricultural industries, Carson continued to fight for environmental conservation and human health, until his death from cancer at the age of 56.


